
18. February 2025policy:brief no. 1 | Strengthen, Protect, Prevent?

The Role of Prevention of Islamism in Democratic Societies Download the policy:brief no. 1 here. A holistic approach to the prevention of Islamism must build on actions by both civil society and the security authorities. The role that civil society plays in prevention work is to make society as a whole more resilient by promoting […]

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17. December 2024Annual Review 2024

A dynamic year is coming to a close. Together, we reflect on the work of BAG RelEx and developments in the field of radicalization prevention.We wish you strength in these challenging times and a peaceful end to the year! For those celebrating: Happy Hanukkah and a relaxing (pre-)holiday season! Our Year 2024: Highlights and Developments […]

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23. September 2024policy:brief

In autumn 2024, we launched a new format: the BAG RelEx policy:brief. It concisely summarizes key positions and insights from our work, with a special focus on current socio-political issues and challenges. The policy:brief takes a step back to explain broader contexts while also moving forward by providing audience-specific policy recommendations. This format ensures that […]

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9. September 2024Open Letter to the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Integration

Dear Sir or Madam, The short video “The Salafism Trap” („Die Salafismus Falle“), which was shared on the account of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Integration on the platform X and has since been deleted, has caused great concern for us as the umbrella organization representing civil society actors in […]

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26. August 2024Press Release | Reaction to the Attack in Solingen

On Friday evening, during the celebration of the 650th anniversary of the city of Solingen in North Rhine-Westphalia, three people were killed, and several others were seriously injured. “We are deeply shocked by the attack in Solingen. Our thoughts are with the victims, their families and friends, as well as the survivors. We wish the […]

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28. April 2024BAG RelEx goes LinkedIn

In addition to Bluesky, we are now also on LinkedIn! With 14 million active users in Germany, LinkedIn provides another platform where we, as BAG RelEx, aim to foster and actively shape the networking of civil society actors in the field of religiously motivated extremism. Since 2016, we have been committed to promoting democracy and […]

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12. October 2023Statement on the Terrorist Attack by Hamas

BAG RelEx strongly condemns the terrorist attack by Hamas and its allies on Israel and the massacres of civilians. Regardless of how the Middle East conflict is politically assessed: Massacres of civilians are not a form of resistance but rather inhumane terrorism that cannot be justified. Since the end of World War II, there have […]

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