Our member organisations
BAG RelEx was founded by 25 non-profit organisations in November 2016. With almost 40 member organisations across Germany, BAG RelEx brings together a broad range of approaches and methods and reflects its members’ long-standing experience in the field. Their target groups and approaches are varied, and they cover a wide variety of challenges. The work of radicalisation prevention can roughly be divided into three categories:
- Universal or primary prevention, i.e. encouragement of competencies oriented towards democracy and human rights, prevention of individual and group radicalisation
- Secondary prevention or intervention work, i.e. early detection and work with groups at risk
- Tertiary prevention or de-radicalisation, i.e. social and ideological support, support in dissociating from the extremist scene, prevention of further radicalisation, counselling of parents
We provide our member organisations with a forum for exchanging expertise and also serve as a point of contact for other institutions and actors. Click here to learn more about our objectives and methods.
Would you like to know more about our member organisations? Here you can find an overview of all the organisations that are on our German website. We are currently working on a similar overview in English.
International Cooperation
In addition to networking with the German actors in preventing violent extremism, BAG RelEx strives for international exchange and networking. In this context we cooperate with international partners.
If you would like to find out more about our work and and the possibility of international cooperation, please contact us!
Locations of our member organisations
Members of BAG RelEx can be recognised by this symbol.